MMM - Including Non-Spend Features

Updated by Eddie Chou

This guide outlines how Rockerbox can incorporate additional non-spend features into Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) and the specific metrics needed for inclusion. For details on spend-related features, go here.

Key Requirements for All Features

Each feature should be described using the following:

  • Date (precise dates preferred)
  • Numeric Metric (e.g., spend, sends, likes, clicks, engagements, or binary values like 1/0)
  • Optional: Additional dimensions such as audience or campaign type.

General Guidelines

  • Date Alignment: Features are most effective in MMM when the reported date aligns with the date of impact (e.g., the date customers were exposed to the feature).
  • Specificity: Precise dates are preferred over aggregated time frames like weeks or months.
  • Upper Funnel Metrics: Metrics like views typically provide more insight than lower-funnel metrics (e.g., site visits).
  • Binary Values: Although easy to generate, binary metrics are less informative. If possible, prioritize more descriptive metrics, though they may require more effort to collect.
  • Unlisted Features: If the feature you wish to include is not listed below, please contact Rockerbox. We can help you determine how to include it.
  • Prioritization: Focus on features with a significant impact on your KPI. If a feature is operationally challenging to track and has low priority, consider excluding it.



Key Metric

Additional Dimensions


Email campaigns (including triggered emails like cart abandonment and promotional emails like discounts or new products).


Campaign/Campaign Type, Audience


Similar to Email campaigns.


Campaign/Campaign Type, Audience


Influencer content promoting the brand.

Views, Likes, Clicks, or Engagements

Influencer Name, or Micro vs. Macro influencer

Organic Social Posts

Organic social media posts (Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, Snap, etc.).

Views, Likes, Clicks, or Engagements

Social Platform

Blog Posts - by Views

Blog posts on your website, measured by views.


Blog Posts - Binary

Indicator for blog posts published on specific dates.

1 (Blog present) / 0 (No blog)

Press Release - by Views/Impressions

Press activity measured by views or impressions.


Press Release - Binary

Indicator for major press releases on specific dates.

1 (Press release) / 0 (No press release)

Promotions - by Percentage

Percentage discount offered per day.

Percent Discount

Promotions - by Dollar Amount

Dollar discount offered per day (indicate non-USD if applicable).

Dollar Discount

Promotions - Binary

Indicator for promotional activity on specific dates.

1 (Promotion present) / 0 (No promotion)

Key Dates

Special dates with spikes in KPI (holidays, Amazon Prime Day, etc.).

1 (Key date) / 0 (Other dates)

Retail Store Launch - DMA size

Estimate of the share of the US audience where a new store was launched.

% of US Audience for the DMA the store was launched

Retail Store Launch - Binary

Indicator for retail store launches on specific dates.

1 (Store launched) / 0 (No launch)

Product Launch - Binary

Indicator for major product launches on specific dates.

1 (Product launched) / 0 (No launch)

Customer Sentiment

Measures brand or product sentiment.

Average sentiment score (e.g., NPS)

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