Cross-Channel Attribution Report

What this report shows

The Cross-Channel Attribution Report in Rockerbox shows for a given time frame, all marketing spend and conversions mapped back to each marketing placement

This view enables you to see weighted CPA/ROAS against marketing placements for new and existing users

Overview of Attribution report view

  1. How to Navigate view
  2. Leveraging the Time Period Comparison Feature
  3. What this view unlocks
  4. Use Cases - How to leverage this view

1. Navigating the Cross-Channel view

2. Time Period Comparisons

3. What this view unlocks

4. Use Cases - How to leverage this view

See the following guides for step by step instructions on each use case:

1. Seeing de-duplicated Performance on a Channel and Placement level

2. Planning and Budgeting against baseline performance

3. Trending growth, spend, or performance over time

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