Tatari OTT & Linear
Rockerbox has existing integrations with Tatari that allow our mutual customers to attribute marketing touchpoints and report on spend in Rockerbox for both Linear TV and OTT.
Tatari OTT
Setup Instructions
- Reach out to to enable the integration. Let the team know the launch date and the tier structure you'd like applied for this type of marketing activity.
- The Rockerbox team will provide you with 2 endpoints (1 for marketing events and one for spend) that you will need to provide to Tatari.
- Send a request to your Tatari asking that they schedule reports that meet the below requirements be sent to the 2 endpoints provided by the Rockerbox team.
- Files should be sent on a daily cadence.
- Each file should contain the previous 1 day of data.
- Reports must contain the columns exactly as noted below, including capitalization & spacing.
- All files must align with the requirements listed here.
Tatari does not provide a hash_ip on their log files, thus a Tatari ID is used to match back user impressions to user sessions before applying Rockerbox's OTT measurement methodology. The Tatari ID is synced to the Rockerbox on-site pixel when the integration is enabled, allowing the shared identifier to persistent for attribution purposes.
Tatari Linear
Setup Instructions
- Reach out to to enable the integration. Let the team know the launch date and the tier structure you'd like applied for this type of marketing activity.
- The Rockerbox team will provide you with an endpoint that you will need to provide to Tatari.
- Send a request to your Tatari asking that they schedule reports that meet the below requirements be sent to the provided endpoint.
- Files should be sent on a daily cadence.
- Reports must contain the columns exactly as noted below, including capitalization & spacing.
- All files must align with the requirements listed here.
Please note that we currently do not get a field passed in from Tatari distinguishing Live vs. Dual TV spots. All spots today are hard coded to “dual” which limits geographic region for Live broadcasts. Tatari is working on a release for this.
Tatari's postlogs and spend go through revisions over time, as networks provide spot information back to Tatari. Rockerbox accounts for 2 days of these revisions, so any data modifications from > 2 days ago may cause discrepancies between Tatari reporting and Rockerbox's reporting.
Tatari's postlogs are limited to US campaigns only. Tatari does not provide non-US postlog data to Rockerbox.
Rockerbox's standard Linear TV measurement methodology is applied for Tatari Linear TV.