Conversion Discrepancy

Updated by Anna Schofer

If you notice a discrepancy between your source of truth conversion numbers and Rockerbox outside the range of 5-12%, or if you have noticed a significant increase in discrepancy within that range, please reach out to with order level data for our analysis:

  • Fields
    • order id
    • user identifiers
    • order timestamp
    • timezone
    • revenue
    • browser
    • user agent
    • any other available data

If conversion is pixel or webhook based, please also provide details to complete a test purchase, such as a limited use 100% off coupon (our team will send information for order cancellation).

Known reasons for differences between internal and Rockerbox data

When comparing your internal data to Rockerbox data, you may see slight discrepancies and don’t worry, that’s normal!

We expect to see a 5-12% discrepancy between the two data sets. There are a number of causes for this, which include:

  • Timezone differences: Rockerbox reporting is standardized to UTC time
    • Due to the timezone differences, day over day variances > 5-10% are expected. The variance will normalize over a longer time period (week, month)
  • Returns or cancellations: Rockerbox does not account for orders that have been returned or cancelled-- meaning they will appear in Rockerbox data
  • Shopify: Rockerbox does account for draft orders or Shopacado, and may not include orders marked as "unpaid".
  • If Rockerbox tracks conversions via an on-site pixel (GTM)
    • Normal discrepancies caused by pixel based tracking, where the pixel may not fire 100% of the time
    • Differences in implementation: Rockerbox pixels firing through GTM versus other internal tracking
    • Page load times (if the Rockerbox pixel is based on that as a trigger)

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