
Updated by Kelsey Kearns

If you use Segment as your customer data platform to collect, clean, and control your customer data, you can use Rockerbox’s Segment integration to pull in purchases and onsite events as conversions.

What does the Rockerbox-Segment integration do?

Once enabled, Rockerbox will automatically pull your events from Segment into your Rockerbox account. This allows you to create conversion segments within Rockerbox that track events via Segment. For example, if you have an ‘Added Product’ event in Segment, you’ll be able to create an ‘Add to Cart’ conversion in Rockerbox to track those events.

You can do the same for your other events in Segment, like creating a ‘Purchase’ conversion in Rockerbox that corresponds to your ‘Order Completed’ event in Segment, or an ‘Account Created’ conversion for your ‘User Signup Completed’ event.

How does the integration work?

Segment sends data to Rockerbox in two ways:

Rockerbox uses the data passed via webhook to track your conversion data. We use the data passed via pixel to resolve the user's identity and attribute the conversions to the marketing activity that drove users to site.

Getting your Segment account ready for Rockerbox

In order to integrate your Segment data in Rockerbox, you’ll need to make some edits to your Segment account to start sharing data. You will need Source Admin privileges on your Segment account in order to set up the integration

How do I set this up for my account?

1) Please ask the Rockerbox team to enable the Segment integration in your account

2) Follow the instructions to connect onsite data to Rockerbox

3) Follow the instructions to connect server-side data to Rockerbox


I have multiple sources connected to Segment, should I connect them all?
  • Yes - you should connect both onsite and server-side sources.

What does Rockerbox use the events being passed via webhook for (server-side)?

  • Rockerbox uses these events to populate conversion data. 
  • The number of Purchase conversions in Rockerbox is based on the number of Order Completed events being passed to Rockerbox’s webhook endpoint via Segment (server-side).

What does Rockerbox use the events being passed via pixel for (client-side)?

  • The client-side events, which we track using our onsite pixel, allow us to do identity resolution on our end which is how we are able to attribute conversions to the right marketing channels.

How does Rockerbox tie conversions back to marketing activity?

  • Rockerbox collects events server-side and then takes this conversion data and completes Identity Resolution with the events we collect onsite (via the Rockerbox pixel). 
  • The Rockerbox pixel contains the full URL details with your UTMs and Rockerbox tracking parameters. 
  • We use the external_id, email and segment_anonymous_id in the server-side event and look for all Rockerbox pixels that fired onsite with the same external_id, email or segment_anonymous_id so that we are able to tie conversions back to the marketing activity that drove a user to site. 

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