Schema: Data Warehouse - Event Parameters

Updated by Emily Shreero

Rockerbox's Event Parameters dataset is an auxiliary table providing additional detail on the parameters passed on each event tracked by a Rockerbox on-site pixel. These parameters include ecommerce context passed on your Rockerbox pixel (ex. product, revenue, order_id) and marketing context parsed from your landing page URLs (ex. gclid, utm parameters). These parameters are parsed directly from your pixels, with no further filtering, formatting, or modification applied.

Most commonly, users will join critical parameters from this table to the Clickstream Dataset to unlock more granular analysis. For examples of common use cases, see Clickstream Data Use Cases.

  1. Event Parameters Schema
  2. Event Parameter FAQ

Event Parameter Schema





A unique identifier for each action.

Each event_id from the Clickstream dataset will have multiple corresponding records in the Event Parameters table



Timestamp of when the action occurred



Name of the raw pixel event. This includes events for all conversion segments configured in Rockerbox + a page view.



Categorization of query_param_name based on common variables required for Rockerbox implementation

Possible Values: conversion, marketing, tracking



The name of the parameter passed on the Rockerbox pixel (ex product, utm_medium)

Each event_id will have multiple rows with query_param_names and values



The specific value passed on the query_param_name.

For example, the query_param_name = order_id will have values = each specific order_id.



Rockerbox Account ID



Date when the action occurred



Advertiser-specific identifier



The name of the report



Identifier used by Rockerbox to sync dataset to your warehouse



Time the cache record was updated most recently


Event Parameter FAQ

  • What are marketers using this dataset for?
  • How can I join this dataset to the Clickstream dataset?
    • Each unique event_id in the Clickstream dataset will have multiple rows in the Event Parameter dataset, reflecting the individual parameters passed on the pixel. To retrieve specific query_param_name and value details, most advertisers will
      • Join on the event_id and date
      • Filter by a specific query_param_name
      • Select value
  • When should I expect this table to sync?
    • Expect this dataset to update daily, on the same cadence as the Clickstream dataset.
  • What's the backfill behavior for this table?
    • This dataset is not backfilled, as it represents a "live" stream of onsite event parameters vs other Rockerbox datasets that are aggregated from various data sources. This means you should not expected historical data to be changed after the initial sync.
  • What is each query_param_name?
    • The query_param_name and value fields are parsed directly from your on-site pixels with no further modifications applied. While certain parameters are required to be passed for Rockerbox implementation, in many cases additional parameters are also provided. Questions about what values are passed and what each means will likely need to be investigated by your team as the experts on your implementation and data layer, vs by the Rockerbox team.
    • If you don't see a certain query_param_name, check the name of the field in your implementation (ex in GTM). Otherwise, check if the query_param_name is passed anywhere on your pixel.
  • Are any of the values passed on my parameters hashed?
    • As a first-party data provider collecting your owned user data, Rockerbox does not interfere with the data your provide. This means any parameters passed to Rockerbox are also passed back in the same raw format.
    • For further privacy protection and optionality, Rockerbox does apply SHA-256 hashing to a pre-defined list of query_param_names. If you pass the below exact parameters to Rockerbox, you will see both the query_param_name with raw value and hash_query_param_name with the SHA-256 hashed value
      • email // hash_email
      • phone_number // hash_phone_number
  • What is the logic for applying a category to each query_param_name?
    • Rockerbox performs some categorization of query_param_names based on common variables required for your Rockerbox implementation. This looks for an exact match of the query_param_name passed on your event to the below. Further customization of categories is not supported.
      • conversion: action, email, external_id, hash_email, hash_phone_number, order_id, phone_number, referrer, revenue, script_version, sessionid, source, uid, url
      • marketing: contains 'utm', contains 'clid', query string parameter used for Rockerbox's standard integrations
      • tracking: all other

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