Mobile Apps

If you have conversions (e.g. signups, purchases) that occur within a native mobile app, you will need to:

  1. Provide information about the conversion to Rockerbox via webhooks
  2. Use a mobile-matching vendor (e.g. Branch, AppsFlyer, Segment) or include a cross-device identifier.
In-App Conversions

You can follow our Webhooks guide to configure and send conversion information from your app / server. Along with listed the required parameters, MAID (e.g. Apple IDFA, Google AAID) is also required for all mobile app events.

Example Webhook Payload

"customer": {
"email": "",
"user_id": "12345"
"device": {
"mobile_device_id": "2345678906754356",
"ip_address": "",
"event": {
"product_type": "dress",
"coupon_code": "true",
"action": "conv.purchase.in_app",
"revenue": "4223.21",
"order_id": "2425sfgf",
"event_source": "in_app"
Mobile-to-Desktop Matching

In order to understand the marketing channels that drove a user to an in-app action, Rockerbox needs to tie them to their website visits. This can be done either by leveraging a 3rd party mobile linking or matching platform, or by including your own identifier in both on-site and in-app tracking.

Mobile Matching Vendors Rockerbox currently supports working with include Branch, AppsFlyer, and Segment.

Using User IDs

If you don’t use an MMP, you can also use a User ID to let Rockerbox know if two devices are being used by the same person.

For example, you would include the user’s ID in the on-site Rockerbox pixel, and then include the User ID again if that user made an in-app purchase.

Rockerbox will see the same User ID used to track events on two devices, and therefore will consolidate the actions on those two devices into one user journey.

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