Understanding Influencer Impact

Updated by Tonya Baker

How to think about measuring influencer impact in Rockerbox

Things to consider

What type of tracking are you using for influencer if any?
  1. UTMs/ Vanity URLs/Promo Codes - Are particular UTMs being used to track these posts or are your influencers driving to a vanity URL or using a Promo code to track the activation. If yes, have you informed Rockerbox via support@rockerbox.com to ensure that mapping is set up to capture?
  2. Survey Data - Do you have a post purchase survey in which customers can tell you they purchased after seeing said influencer post? If yes, have you worked with the Rockerbox Implementation team to ensure survey responses are being tracked if possible?
How should I think about measuring influencer?

Influencers are typically posting to their networks/followers in a more organic fashion that is less likely to contain absolute tracking.

As such this channel should be thought of like an OOH activation, meaning much of the impact of this spend will come through in Rockerbox as a Halo Impact to Direct, Paid/unpaid  or Organic search.

Reason for this (especially in the instance of a new customer) would be that Customer X saw a post from influencer Y, Customer X wants to explore/ purchase the product.

They are likely to do one of the following:
  1. Follow the link shared in the influencer post if provided (Will be mapped in Rockerbox under Influencer)
  2. Go directly to brand page (Will show in Rockerbox as halo impact to Direct if no tracking is applied)
  3. Use search terms to locate the website (Will show in Rockerbox as halo impact to Brand/non brand or Organic Search if no tracking is applied)

** As such you should think of impact as being shown in Rockerbox as increase in direct as well as a halo impact to the increase in brand & organic channels in addition to any influencer tracking you may or may not have applied  

Thing to consider if you have tracking applied
  1. Where is your Promo code/ vanity URL or UTM tracking showing this influencer touchpoint in the path to conversion? Does this differ for New versus existing users?
  2. In addition to the tracked influencer conversions have you also looked at halo impact to the increase in direct, brand & organic search traffic? (more details in following slides)

Influencer impact in Time to Convert

  1. Choose your time periods for analysis. Choose a set period before launch and after - for your control period ensure you choose a period of time without significant changes to your marketing mix.
  2. Use the time to convert from ‘Marketing Paths’  to identify any changes to the average time to convert between the two time periods

Why this matters: Influencers can drive faster time to convert across new and repeat customers - especially as you tap into potential new audiences.

New customers who converted day of the post

Compared to last 30 days of new customer converters

Influencer Impact - Halo impact

Change in attributed conversions day over day (from day before the post to day of the post)

The impact of a post has to be measured in halo as {channel} users watch the post and go direct to site or search which causes a spike in“Direct” traffic which can reasonably be credited to said influencer.

You will likely also see a halo impact on Search/Organic

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