Clickstream Data Use Cases

Updated by Emily Shreero

Rockerbox’s Clickstream Dataset unlocks insights into the user's entire journey from their engagement with your marketing channels to their interactions on your website. Clickstream provides insight into the activities of converters and non-converters alike, giving you clarity into the complete digital experience on your owned website.

  1. What is the Clickstream Dataset
  2. Key Use Cases
  3. Accessing the Dataset
What is the Clickstream Dataset

Rockerbox's Clickstream dataset is a user and event-level dataset that reports on every Page View and Conversion event tracked via Rockerbox pixel on your site. These events are then attributed back to click-based marketing touchpoints, with the Rockerbox tier structure applied for standardization with your other Rockerbox conversion datasets.

This unlocks visibility into the click-based marketing touchpoints that drove each session, and the on-site events pursued by the user once they land on site.

To see the schema and technical FAQ, see the Clickstream Dataset Schema.

Currently this dataset is limited to

  • Data Warehousing only. There is no corresponding view in the UI
  • Pixel-based events only. This means action are available if are Rockerbox pixel is implemented against them, or if they are tracked via Rockerbox integrations with Shopify or Segment.
Segment Integration: Rockerbox pixels fire off of Segment's JavaScript for each action tracked in Segment. Data in the Clickstream dataset is sourced from these pixels rather than Segment's webhooks.

Shopify Integration:
Purchase conversion events may not be available in this dataset, as these are pulled by Rockerbox directly from Shopify's API instead of tracked via conversion pixel.
Key Use Cases

Rockerbox's Clickstream Dataset is a robust foundational dataset unlocking dozens of use cases surrounding both converters and non-converters. Here are a few impactful use cases leveraged by many Rockerbox users.

Session, Visitor, or Traffic Analysis

  • Analyzing the impact of marketing activities, such as new promos or marketing spend changes, on traffic
    • Ex: what's the impact of my email blast in driving traffic to site?
  • Determining cost per click, click-through-rate, or click-based conversion rate by channel
    • Ex. do channels with similar CPA perform differently in terms of driving traffic? Tactically, between channels A and B which are most efficient at driving traffic?
  • Understanding each channel's impact on traffic, especially as an early read on performance for new channels
    • Ex: I just launched a new channel yesterday that hasn't driven any converters yet. Am I driving interest at the top of the funnel? Is this comparable to other channels with similar spend levels?

On-Site Activity or Site Analytics

  • Uncovering correlation between user site activity and attributed marketing channel.
    • Ex: is session engagement related to attributed marketing channel? What channels drive more engaged sessions?
  • Understanding the activity and impact of marketing on converters and non-converters
    • Ex: do users arriving from X channel abandon cart more frequently than customers arriving from Y channel? Where are users falling out of the marketing funnel?
    See a quick-start query guide HERE to begin unlocking the above use cases.
As the Clickstream Dataset is focused on marketing's impact on traffic and onsite events, it does not currently offer site-side analytics metrics like scroll depth, time on page, heat mapping, etc.
  • Session vs Visit vs Traffic: in many cases these terms are used interchangeably to describe the count of unique browsing sessions occuring at any given time. A session more often describes a continuous browsing session, while a visit or traffic more often describe the first landing page event only.
  • Users: a count of unique cookie ids within a given time frame. This may differ from session, traffic, or visits as a single user may have multiple browsing events in the same day.
  • Events: all actions (ex view, add to cart, purchase) a user takes on-site, as tracked by a Rockerbox pixel
Accessing the Dataset

Do these use cases sound like the missing piece in your marketing measurement stack? Contact or your Rockerbox CSM to upgrade to this feature, available in October 2024.

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