Step 3: Redshift Data Warehouse Setup

This page will take you through associating IAM Role and running an External Schema Command.

  1. Go into Amazon Redshift service in the AWS Console.
  1. Select your Redshift cluster from the Provisioned Clusters Dashboard.
  1. Go to the properties tab inside your Redshift cluster.
  1. Scroll down to the Cluster Permissions section and click on Manage IAM Roles and then select Associate IAM Roles.
  1. Select the “RockerboxRedshiftRole” that you previously created in the pop up window and then click on Associate IAM Roles.
  1. Wait for the role to sync in the Associated IAM Roles list under Cluster Permissions section.
  1. Scroll to the top of the page and click on “Go to query editor v2” on the right side of the page.
  1. Copy the External Schema Statement displayed on your Redshift Setup UI, paste it into the query editor, and click Run.

Data should now be available in the Rockerbox schema.

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