Conversion QA

Updated by Jay Puducheri


Once Rockerbox has tracked five full days of purchase data, we run through Conversion QA to ensure the purchase data in Rockerbox is aligned with your internal source of truth within an acceptable threshold for variance (10-15%).


In order to run through conversion QA, we require you to share a QA file for the Purchase event from your internal source of truth with the following fields:

Field Name





This must match the Order ID we are collecting on the purchase conversion via pixel or batch file


yes (in UTC)

If the timezone of the timestamp is not in UTC, please let us know the timezone so that we can convert to UTC



This must match the email we are collecting on the conversion - hashed or unhashed



This must match the external ID we are collecting on the conversion



This must match the revenue we are collecting on the conversion (for example: if you are passing us subtotal revenue on the conversion, please include subtotal revenue in the QA file)



This field should have a value of new if the user has never made a purchase before and a value of returning if the have made a purchase in the past. We will use this field to validate whether the new vs returning classification in Rockerbox is aligned with your source of truth within an acceptable threshold for variance

File Delivery

You can share this QA file with Rockerbox via email but if you would prefer to deliver this file to a Rockerbox-hosted SFTP endpoint, we can set this up and share endpoint details with you.

QA Process

Once the file has been delivered, we will validate to make sure all required fields are present and match the format being passed to Rockerbox.

Once validation is complete, we will run through QA to confirm whether purchase data in Rockerbox is aligned with your source of truth within an acceptable threshold for variance and share an update with you.

How did we do?