tvScientific OTT (duplicate)

Rockerbox has an existing integration with tvScientific where we receive user-level log files that allow Rockerbox to attribute these touchpoints to conversions.

tvScientific OTT is still a custom Integration and not available to enable via the UI. If you are running tvScientific OTT please have your Rockerbox Account manager know.

Log File Instructions

All spend reports must align with the requirements listed here.
  1. Enable the integration here in your Rockerbox account. This will create an S3 endpoint that tvScientific will send log files to.
  2. Reach out to your Rockerbox representative for endpoint details, including the inline policy. TV Scientific will require both the endpoint details as well as this policy to successfully deliver data to Rockerbox.
    1. Files should be sent on a Daily cadence.
    2. Each file should contain the previous 1 day of data.
    3. We expect this report to be automatic. If this changes for any reason please let your Rockerbox representative know as this can delay setup.
    4. Reports must contain the columns exactly as noted below, including capitalization & spacing.
Required Columns

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