Partnering with Rockerbox - for New Partners

If you are a new partner - welcome! Below you will find more information on what it looks like to set up a new integration with Rockerbox.

  1. Components of an integration with Rockerbox: what Rockerbox tracks from each marketing partner
  2. How to partner with Rockerbox: next steps for partnering with Rockerbox
  3. Standardizing an integration with Rockerbox: how to ensure success across future mutual customers
  4. Rockerbox FAQ

Components of an integration with Rockerbox

In order to report on peroformance from your platform in Rockerbox for our mutual customers, each partner integration attempts to track marketing touchpoints and spend.

Marketing Touchpoints

Rockerbox tracks marketing touchpoints on the user level using Rockerbox <> Partner specific tracking. Refer to this guide for how Rockerbox tracks touchpoints across channels, both Digital and Offline. It's critical that this tracking is set up and maintained either by the partner or the customer, to ensure consistent data collection in Rockerbox

Spend Reporting

In addition to tracking marketing touchpoints, Rockerbox aims to receive spend reporting. Ingesting spend in Rockerbox enables your brands to use Rockerbox data to make optimizations using key performance metrics such as CPA and ROAS.

  • Spend reports must be sent by Marketing Partners. Rockerbox does not support pulling spend data directly from our Partners’ platforms.
  • Whenever possible, spend report delivery should be automated.
  • All reporting must align with our requirements here. If these requirements are not met, files will not be processed in Rockerbox
  • The contents of the spend report will be scoped based on what is important for advertisers to see in Rockerbox reporting.
    • Required Core Fields: date, spend
    • Auxiliary Fields: these should match the values passed in the tracking parameters. For example campaign name, ad group name, creative name, network (Linear), publisher name (Affiliate)
      • This enables Rockerbox to match the ID values received on the marketing touchpoint back to spend, so that conversion volume aligns to spend to enable CPA / ROAS calculations

How to Partner with Rockerbox

Rockerbox prioritizes net-new integrations based on demand from our customers. From there, our ability to partner is also based on our partners' technical capabilities.

To begin the process of scoping an integration with Rockerbox, new partners must complete our Partner Integration Form. From there, the Rockerbox team will be in touch with follow ups based on the customer demand.

Standardizing an integration with Rockerbox

Rockerbox will look to standardize all integrations to make them repeatable on both the Rockerbox and Partner side. This is beneficial for Rockerbox, our partners, and our customers in that

1. Rockerbox clients are more likely to consider using your services, since you will be listed as a standard integrated partner.

2. The onboarding process on the Rockerbox end will be streamlined for new clients, making it easy to test a new channel and get a read on performance

Standardizing spend or log level reporting: any integrations with report delivery requirements from the partner to Rockerbox should meet the below requirements

1. The report must be available in an identical format across all accounts / customers
2. Report delivery should be automated
3. Reports should not require manual manipulation to correctly format
4. If reporting cannot be automated, the partner will be responsible for sending

Rockerbox FAQ

Have more questions on what Rockerbox solves for our customers, how Rockerbox tracks marketing touchpoints, or technical questions on something related to your integration? See out Rockerbox for Marketing Partners portal for more info.

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